Month: November 2021

Week 11 – Using your PLN to Engage (Blog Post 10)

“Everyone loves talking about themselves, […] everyone loves talking about what they are passionate about and once you give someone a platform […] it’s something that I think is tempting to everyone.”

MILLER. (2021). EDCI PODCAST – 2021-10-24 Mo Amir [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Using PLN’s to engage business

I once had poor service from a local service provider that also used social media — Facebook — to attract business and offer feedback to customers. I had used the product before and had history with the company, so I was surprised by the quality of the service and the response I received when I had phoned in to discuss my dissatisfaction. They were dismissive and seemed to put the blame on me. After the phone call, I went to their social media page on Facebook and began to explain, in great detail, the situation as I had experienced it and also posted a rating of their business on Google. Within a day I received a message in Facebook Messenger apologizing for the situation and then offering a discount for my next purchase. I then had a chance to engage with them again and explain my shock and dissatisfaction — especially as a repeat customer. It all worked out well and I still frequent the shop.

For me, the experience represents how powerful individuals can become in a flash within a networked society.

Career opportunities through PLN’s

Network society is the “interface between economics, culture, and technology and centered on the predominance of knowledge intensity and innovation content to maintain competitive advantage.”

Del Giudice, M. (2014a). From Information Society to Network Society: The Challenge. In Social Media and Emerging Economies: Technological, Cultural and Economic Implications (pp. 71–83). Springer.

My partner and I were considering opening our own early childcare/cafe facility and by joining a few parent groups and local business forums we were able to learn very quickly that it was clearly a viable option for us. There is clearly interest in the community, access to funding, and lease space as well. This was all discovered within a few days of exploring websites for local businesses, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Relationships & PLNs

My partner and I have travelled and lived in a number of areas far from friends and family. Without Facebook, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, and the like, we would not have been able to stay in contact all these years.

I have been able to stay close with friends from high school and college. My partner still reaches out to people he grew up with from Nova Scotia.

Using digital media has enabled us to maintain and foster relationships that would likely have deteriorated over these past ten years, had we not had access to it.

Week 10 – Media Literacy matters in your PLN

Surrounded by digital media and media choices, 21st century students need to understand how to best apply the media resources available for learning, and to use media creation tools to create compelling and effective communication products such as videos, audio podcasts, and Web sites.

Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). Chapter 4 – Digital Literacy Skills. In 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. John Wiley & Sons.

What is media literacy?

Media literacy is the ability to view, interpret, create, and present media. Trilling and Fadel share the The Center for Media Literacy view as “a framework to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety of forms, build an understanding of the role of media in society, as well as [develop] the essential skills of inquiry and self-expression.”

Why is it important?

“We are more interested in what we believe, then what is true.”

Miller, J. (n.d.). EDCI 338 – Media Literacy with Julie Smith [Video]. YouTube.

Democracy is dependent upon an informed voter, that can think, act, and vote accordingly. Information — like beauty it seems — is in the eye of the beholder.

I would like to draw attention to the rise of “Flat-Earthers”. Would this movement exist were it not for modern media and misinformation? It is quite bizarre to witness foundational world views and concepts — that were once held by us all as eternal truths — devolve into questionable realities based mostly on fear, misunderstanding, and magical thinking.

If the information citizens have access to obscures or purposefully misinforms them, then the force behind that information is malevolent and unworthy of our time and energy.

With so much uncertainty in the world of 2021, it is likely much easier for most to disengage from truth-seeking as it can be unsettling.

Ensuring that populations are media literate is the only way we can ensure the survival of democracy.

Why is it dismissed?

Media literacy is essential to healthy and functional modern societies. As Ms. Smith sates in the video, it has to be more than something just added simply to the already exhausting list of teachers’s responsibility in the classroom.

Unfortunately, that scenario is exactly what is happening for the most — at least here in Canada, or BC at least. Media literacy is still way down on the list of priorities. With an aging work force that still values worksheets and duo-tangs, literacy and numeracy take priority with media literacy as an afterthought.

Education must to evolve, to view media literacy as an encompassing skill tree that supports information seeking and presenting in all forms. Instead of the current model, where students are taken to the computer lab once a week to work on powerpoint presentations — one of which being about media literacy.

Varied views, but the Factual Consensus

This reminds me of a quote from George Washington:

“Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.”

We must be willing to listen to others, no matter how seemingly incorrect or offensive their views may be. This approach in keeping with my practice as an educator who values the Touchpoints Model of Development (Brazelton & Sparrow).

Once we have truly listened, then we may discern the next course of action.

WEEK 9 – PLN & Education

Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares, how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse?

“Your professional learning community is your support system.”

“Brad Baker EDCI 338.”, 10 JuNE 2021, Accessed 11 Nov. 2021.

Brad Baker highlights how important it is to surround ourselves with those that help us grow in our pursuit and maintenance of a healthy vision and positive initiatives, whether they be in our professional lives or our personal ones. There is a theme of being true to one’s convictions in all aspects of one’s life — which expands upon an idea brought up by a previous week’s speaker, Markiel Simpson. A consistent message circulated within a social network (digital or physical) helps grow awareness and momentum for that message and keep it true to its purpose.

This concept holds true in education. In my humble experience (as an educator that has been lucky to have travelled and worked with a variety of colleagues of diverse backgrounds), it is impossible to be both a “good” teacher and a “bad” person. One’s personal vision or philosophy that encompasses aspects of abstract concepts like truth, justice, equality, love, hope shines through in the work. In this line of work, you can be ground down by the system and become a cog in a machine that is simply working for a pay check, so-to-speak. I love my work but can see this happening to those around me, and there are days when I feel that way myself. It can be easy for conversations around the water cooler to focus on negative energy and complaints, without any solutions or positivity offered.

Finding ways to rejuvenate one’s passion for and commitment to the profession is vital to the integrity of the work. A carefully crafted PLN that can be navigated to access support when needed makes the endeavour sustainable. It is important to know where and how one can draw strength from colleagues and professional learning, to reflect on one’s practice and grow.

Being willing to challenge one’s one practice is a challenge, but key to beneficial discourse. As an educator, it can be easy to feel like an island, unable to engage in any dialogue with other teachers or those we might learn from. Actively pursuing these exchanges is tricky to manage given our busy schedules and the expectations of the job, but must take place for the sake of the work.

How do educators create discourse?

“We support each other, but we also challenge each other …”


I love staff meetings and teacher conferences. I don’t hold back and remain engaged throughout — but not all staff meetings or conferences are created equal. Those that are organized, respectful of teacher’s busy schedules, and also relevant to our practical, day-to-day work offer moments of rejuvenation. The trick is having a leader or keynote speaker that is capable of building enough rapport with staff or learners to engage as many of the group as possible in as brief a time as possible. There is nuance to this.

What I value most about these meetings is the exchange of ideas and the genuine building of passion and excitement for the work. Hope is rekindled and new practical ideas are added to toolkits. Connections are established and relationships made sustainable through social media and email. Throughout the meeting or day we are able to sit next to teaching partners or those we look up to as mentors — if we so choose. This could be viewed as a microcosm of a PLN; who do you sit with and how do you engage with the intention of the meeting?

What is the role of social media in education?

Social media (as the digital extension/expression of one’s personal learning network) is increasingly becoming a larger component to one’s personal learning environment. Following fellow educators on Instagram, Edmodo, Facebook, Twitter, etc. is means to an end — to grow and enhance our practice in some measurable capacity.

“[P]ersonal learning networks are the sum of all social capital and connections that result in the development and facilitation of a personal learning environment.”

Couros, A. (2010). Emerging Technologies in Distance Education (Issues in Distance Education) (G. Veletsianos, Ed.; Illustrated ed., Vols. 1919–4390). Athabasca University Press.

What are some problems with social media communications in education settings?

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act is meant to protect citizens by setting rules and laws around the sharing of information. The Act is very relevant to the field of education, as educators and administrators are consistently communicating information regarding students and learning via modern collaborative technology. Educators must adhere to these rules (of which they may not be fully aware), while also embracing technology to support learning. This can be tricky and there are a number of examples where an educator has made poor choices while using social media and have lost their jobs.

Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?

It is a good question, and I’m not sure I have an answer that would include specific names of software. In my mind, it’s not so much the platform that is necessarily beneficial, but the intention of the user and their willingness to explore a new form of communication that benefits the endeavour. Again, I go back to a previous post where I had said something about a tool only being as effective as the one who wields it. This question led me to creating a list of my own questions to find those “beneficial” platforms:

  • How can the platform be used to grow a community?
  • What kinds/types of communities/industries currently use the platform and how?
  • What are the demographics of users commonly accessing/using the platform?
  • How can the platform be used to create consistent messaging and a standard vision/expectations for the community and sharing?
  • At the same time, how does the platform account for its own growth and evolution of ideas and structures over time?

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